Susan A. Lund is a sales, leadership, and productivity expert. She is the president of MR3, a metrics-driven sales, leadership, and productivity consulting and training firm. Susan has over 30 years of experience in business, sales, leadership, training, and coaching thousands of individuals, teams, and organizations to ignite their potential and grow.
Susan has a heart for God, helping people succeed and igniting their potential. Millions of believers do not know their spiritual gifts, purpose, or God’s divine design for their lives. Unfortunately, they have unwrapped gifts and unrealized dreams and are extinguishing their God-given potential. As a result, they are missing living in the power and presence of God’s amazing design for their lives.
God has used Susan to inspire, equip, and empower hundreds of people to grow in their relationships with Him, gain clarity of their purpose, ignite their potential, and align to God’s divine design for their lives. When they do, they experience great joy, and God’s church grows!
Susan gives God credit for all her success and acknowledges that every good thing that flows through her comes from God. She believes God designed us to align to His divine design, to ignite our God-given potential and be all God designed us to be.
Susan is the author of three books: Ignite Your Selling Potential, 7 Simple Accelerators to Drive Revenue and Results Fast; Prayer Journal for Growth; and Ignite Your Potential: A Road Map to Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, Find Your Purpose, and Align to God’s Divine Design.
She is also a professional speaker who loves to speak to leadership teams, the next generation, young adults, and groups on practical strategies and steps to ignite their potential and grow.
In her free time, Susan enjoys spending time with her family, being outdoors, and giving back to the community.